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If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration

- Nikolas Tesla


Yoga Timetable



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Move Better Feel Better

Yoga is a form of healing to realign and rectify any imbalances that may have arrived within the body and mind.

My teaching is unique, it is an ever changing practice that takes into account who turns up on the day and the cycles of the earth.

Known as the teacher who never teaches the same class twice, I am renowned for my ability to release tension and create relaxation. 

Sound healing as a means to fine tune any other imbalances that may be present within the energy and nervous system. 

We do yoga to achieve the state of yoga  - a complete connection to our mind, body, spirit and the planet and everything around us.

The yoga I teach is a form of meditation in action. An opportunity to discover who we truly are in each moment.

I teach group and private classes in and around Brisbane. I'm an Active Parks Yoga practitioner - where you can come along to scheduled free yoga classes as part of the Brisbane City Council initiative. I also offer group Sound baths once a month. Check the events page for up to date listings.

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